PME achieves 50/50 male-female ratio in governing board

PME Pensioenfonds appointed Marlies van Boom (1966) as non-executive director as of 25 April 2022. In this role, Van Boom, who studied business econometrics and is a Registered Investment Analyst (RBA), will focus mainly on the asset management portfolio. She has a long track record as a director, supervisor and adviser in and outside the pension sector. Following Van Boom's appointment, PME's governing board (executive and non-executive) now consists of equal numbers of women and men. This is not representative for the sector in which PME is active, where over 80% are male. It is, however, a diversity factor PME is proud of.
Nicole Beuken, independent chair of the governing and non-executive board
“A diverse board is important, because different views, areas of expertise, experiences and management styles reinforce each other, inspire and prevent tunnel vision. It simply results in better governance. Diversity is more than just gender, but the 50/50 ratio at PME is an important and commendable symbol."
Eric Uijen, chairman of the executive board
"We are working hard on a diverse pension board. We have now achieved the right male/female ratio, but finding young people still proves difficult. We are working on this with our trainee pool for young, up-and-coming directors. Although the executive board consists of three men, the age composition has already become a lot more diverse with the arrival of Alae Laghrich (1979) at the end of last year."
The composition of the pension board as a whole is as follows:
Independent chair of the governing and non-executive board
- Nicole Beuken
Non-executive board
- Marlies van Boom (employer representation)
- Fridoline van Binsbergen (employer representation)
- Monique van der Poel (employer representation)
- Igor Vermeulen (employer representation)
- Peggy Wilson (employee representation)
- Susan Eijgermans (employee representation)
- Theo Bruinsma (pensioner representation, reappointed as of 1 July 2022)
- Rik Grutters (pensioner representation, reappointed as of 1 July 2022)
Executive board
- Eric Uijen, chairman of the Executive Board
- Marcel Andringa, executive director balance sheet and asset management
- Alae Laghrich, executive director risk management, governance, compliance and finance