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What does investing cost and what does it yield?

You and your employer put aside money for your pension. You both contribute money every month. We invest that money. So together we make sure you have a good pension.

What's in it for you?

We do everything we can to get the best possible result. As you can see, we are often successful. But not always. In 2022, for instance, our investments lost no less than 23.3 percent of their value. That seems massive. And truth be told: it wasn't a percentage we had seen before. Yet it isn't necessarily bad news for your pension. Because in that same period, our coverage ratio increased. This was due to the increased interest rate. The coverage ratio ultimately determines whether we can increase pensions.

Over the past 10 years, we achieved an average yield of 4.5 percent. 

How much does it cost?

For our investments, we look at the balance between yield, costs and risk. Expensive investments and high-risk investments must yield more. Our goal is to keep costs below market level. To do so, we compare our costs to those of similar pension funds every year.

The figure below shows the costs of asset management as a percentage of invested capital.

And what about COemissions?

We invest for a good pension. But you can only enjoy a good pension in a liveable world. That's why we have set ourselves ambitious goals. We want the companies in which we invest to have halved their CO2 emissions by 2030 compared to 2019. As you can see, we have already achieved that goal for our equity. For our corporate bonds we are well under way.

Would you like to know more? Our climate plan tells you everything about our goals and how we intend to achieve these. And in our annual report you can see whether we actually deliver on those promises.

The proceeds are yours

PME is a foundation. As such, we don't make a profit for ourselves. Our objective is to secure a good pension for you. This means the proceeds from investments are for you, and for everyone who accrues pension with us. Would you like to know how much is in it for you?

 Check your pension